daily crossword

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daily crossword

Category:dictionaries and encyclopedias Global Rank:2,290 visits:28.6M pages/Per:2.1
free daily crosswords, codewords, sudoku, word searches, chess puzzles
Category:puzzles and brainteasers Global Rank:116,074 visits:559.8K pages/Per:2.6
Category:news and media Global Rank:175,661 visits:326.6K pages/Per:2.7
puzzazz is the best way to buy and solve puzzles in the digital world. available now for ipad, iphone, and ipod touch, with some of the best puzzles you'll find anywhere by world-class constructors. plus, visit our web site for a quick, fun puzzle of the day.
Category:puzzles and brainteasers Global Rank:2,464,106 visits:14.0K pages/Per:2.0