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web of science

clarivate is a global leader in providing trusted insights and analytics. our vision is to improve the way the world creates, protects, and advances innovation.
Category:business services Global Rank:11,723 visits:4.9M pages/Per:3.9
Category:business services Global Rank:11,955 visits:3.6M pages/Per:8.1
Category:biology Global Rank:- visits:3.5M pages/Per:2.5
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Category:science and education Global Rank:- visits:1.2M pages/Per:3.9
Category:computers electronics and technology Global Rank:106,516 visits:611.8K pages/Per:1.9
苏州大学前身是soochow university(东吴大学,1900年创办),国家“211工程”重点建设高校、“2011计划”首批认定高校,国防科技工业局和江苏省人民政府共建高校,是江苏省属重点综合性大学。
Category:education Global Rank:76,201 visits:566.5K pages/Per:5.7
la fundación espa?ola para la ciencia y la tecnología (fecyt) es una fundación pública, dependiente del ministerio de ciencia, innovación y universidades.
Category:science and education Global Rank:148,485 visits:286.5K pages/Per:4.6
Category:education Global Rank:206,985 visits:187.4K pages/Per:4.3
aprende e investiga con las guías de la biblioteca la biblioteca elabora guías de todos los recursos electrónicos que compra o suscribe. consulta además las guías de investigación
Category:environmental science Global Rank:- visits:181.3K pages/Per:1.6
clarivate is a global leader in providing trusted insights and analytics to accelerate the pace of innovation. our vision is to improve the way the world creates, protects and advances innovation.
Category:science and education Global Rank:296,109 visits:144.6K pages/Per:3.1
Category:science and education Global Rank:1,538,762 visits:19.5K pages/Per:2.7
clarivate is a global leader in providing trusted insights and analytics. our vision is to improve the way the world creates, protects, and advances innovation.
Category:science and education Global Rank:1,877,023 visits:15.9K pages/Per:2.2
we're a membership organisation, providing digital solutions for uk education and research.
Category:universities and colleges Global Rank:3,283,086 visits:10.7K pages/Per:1.4
Category:education Global Rank:- visits:8.4K pages/Per:1.5
Category:science and education Global Rank:4,201,564 visits:6.2K pages/Per:1.2