task rabbit
your trusted and local handyman. furniture assembly, tv mounting, help moving, and much more. our taskers can tackle all your home projects.
your trusted and local handyman. flat-pack assembly, tv mounting, help moving, and much more. our taskers can tackle all your home projects.
our same-day service platform instantly connects you with skilled taskers to help with cleaning, furniture assembly, home repairs, running errands and more.
il tuo fidato tuttofare locale. montaggio di mobili, installazione tv, aiuto con il trasloco e molto altro.i nostri tasker possono aiutarti con tutti i tuoi progetti domestici.
dein vertrauenswürdiger handwerklicher gehilfe aus der gegend. möbelmontage, tv-wand-montage, umzugshilfe und vieles mehr. unsere tasker können alle deine projekte für dein zuhause in angriff nehmen.
parceiros do quotidiano. montagem de mobiliário, instalação de televisor, ajuda em mudanças e muito mais comece a riscar tarefas da sua lista.
votre partenaire du quotidien. montage de meubles, ménage ou coup de main pour votre déménagement, faites appel au talent de nos taskeurs. libérez-vous des taches qui vous gachent la vie !