pu erh
sypané čaje a byliny z vybraných plantáží světa.
sypané čaje - exkluzívna ponuka za najlepšie ceny. vyberajte z viac ako 500 druhov kvalitných čajov z celého sveta. ďakujeme za váš nákup. tee.sk
vynikajúce zelené čaje ochutené kúskami ovocia a bylín.
silk road teas is an award winning purveyor of fine and artesian teas from china. every year, we travel extensively in china, visiting small farms, out-of-the-way tea markets, farm cooperatives and tea companies to find those teas that offer our customers the highest quality and a distinctive experience. as a result, our teas are widely recognized for the variety and unparalleled quality of its teas. quite simply, you won't find a finer tea anywhere. satisfaction guaranteed.