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encuentra el significado que buscas en tu enciclopedia de referencia,
Category:dictionaries and encyclopedias Global Rank:18,197 visits:5.1M pages/Per:1.5
corte interamericana de derechos humanos - inicio
Category:legal Global Rank:103,329 visits:721.3K pages/Per:1.6
do you have an unresolved complaint about a communications or energy company? we help uk consumers & businesses settle disputes fairly.
Category:financial planning and management Global Rank:151,523 visits:243.6K pages/Per:6.3
situs resmi ombudsman republik indonesia, lembaga negara yang berwenang melakukan pengawasan penyelenggaraan pelayanan publik di seluruh indonesia
Category:government Global Rank:624,042 visits:86.3K pages/Per:1.6
press council of ireland and office of the press ombudsman are independent press regulation in ireland and receive complaints about newspapers and magazines published in ireland.
Category:government Global Rank:857,965 visits:69.9K pages/Per:1.4
de nationale ombudsman helpt u als u een klacht heeft over de overheid. vind hier informatie, voorbeeldbrieven en praktijkvoorbeelden.
Category:law and government Global Rank:665,700 visits:66.6K pages/Per:2.0
Category:government Global Rank:1,100,334 visits:38.8K pages/Per:1.9
Category:government Global Rank:1,340,233 visits:27.5K pages/Per:2.1
Category:dictionaries and encyclopedias Global Rank:1,364,484 visits:27.1K pages/Per:2.4
we deal with complaints about victorian public organisations. we can look into the decisions and actions of more than 1,000 organisations, including councils, government departments, worksafe, vicroads, fines victoria, prisons and more. we promote fairness, integrity and respect for human rights.
Category:government Global Rank:2,018,171 visits:19.8K pages/Per:1.6
the ombudsman handles complaints and investigates the administrative conduct of state sector agencies, including in relation to official information requests.
Category:legal Global Rank:1,978,382 visits:13.8K pages/Per:3.5
Category:legal Global Rank:2,087,111 visits:11.9K pages/Per:4.6
we examine complaints from people who feel they have been unfairly treated by most organisations that deliver public services.
Category:government Global Rank:3,606,510 visits:7.7K pages/Per:2.0
Category:insurance Global Rank:4,179,182 visits:5.8K pages/Per:3.1
Category:government Global Rank:5,147,608 visits:5.1K pages/Per:1.3