littmann classic iii
3m applies science and innovation to make a real impact by igniting progress and inspiring innovation in lives and communities across the globe.
medscope specialises in 3m littmann stethoscopes. they offer free laser engraving and same day dispatch. the littmann range currently comprises of the new core, cardiology iv, classic iii. they also sell a range of diagnostic kits, otoscopes and ophthalmoscopes from welch allyn, heine, riester and keeler.
leading provider of littmann stethoscopes (istetoskopyo) - medical supplies from 3m littmann stethoscopes with free engraving and cherokee scrubs uniforms with free embroidery.
spoločnosť 3m aplikuje vedu a inovácie, aby dosiahla skutočný vplyv podporovaním pokroku a inšpirovaním inovácií v životoch a komunitách po celom svete.