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Category:news and media Global Rank:39,409 visits:1.6M pages/Per:3.0
welcome to the openwrt project the openwrt project is a linux operating system targeting embedded devices. instead of trying to create a single, static firmware, openwrt provides a fully writable filesystem with package management. this frees you from the application selection and configuration provided by the vendor and allows you to customize the device through the use of packages to suit any application. for developers, openwrt is the framework to build an application without having to bui…
Category:programming and developer software Global Rank:30,684 visits:1.5M pages/Per:6.0
Category:news and media Global Rank:161,522 visits:470.5K pages/Per:1.2
linux中国是一家创立于2003年的国内开源社区,主要关注方向在 linux 推广、linux 技术研究、linux 业界事件的传播。linux 中国包括网站、微博、微信和邮件列表等平台。
Category:programming and developer software Global Rank:181,524 visits:396.9K pages/Per:1.4
Category:programming and developer software Global Rank:157,501 visits:254.0K pages/Per:5.1
Category:computers electronics and technology Global Rank:375,128 visits:112.9K pages/Per:3.1
vpn 爲什麼今年用vpn跨區看netflix那麼難?不爲人知的鬥爭和角力 read more + 0 onl […]
Category:computers electronics and technology Global Rank:563,332 visits:85.9K pages/Per:1.6
Category:programming and developer software Global Rank:- visits:84.7K pages/Per:2.9
Category:computers electronics and technology Global Rank:498,472 visits:72.0K pages/Per:3.2
openwrt, linux, usb, notebooki i inne ciekawe rzeczy
Category:computers electronics and technology Global Rank:- visits:53.6K pages/Per:2.8
компания предлагает организацию публичного wifi по закону. беспроводной интернет для бизнеса: гостиницы, рестораны, мероприятия и рекламные цели.
Category:telecommunications Global Rank:1,226,846 visits:39.7K pages/Per:1.6
Category:programming and developer software Global Rank:2,229,790 visits:14.2K pages/Per:2.4