learn more about the mouthwash that kills 99% of bad breath germs, explore our oral care products, and find tips on how to maintain healthy oral hygiene routines.
experience a long-lasting fresh breath & eliminate germs from your mouth with the listerine? mouthwash. use listerine? for complete oral care and dental hygiene.
listerine® (листерин®) - ополаскиватель для полости рта на каждый день. предотвращает кариес, кровоточивость десен, способствует укреплению эмали и отбеливанию зубов.
collutorio?listerine? per denti e gengive. pulizia fino a 3 volte più profonda rispetto al solo spazzolino.
the listerine® mouthwash range is proven to reduce plaque and freshen breath. learn more here!
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bienvenue dans l'univers listerine®. découvrez et testez tous nos produits et conseils pour maintenir une bouche en bonne santé, propre et avec une haleine fraîche.