i want to die
reachout.com helps under 25s with everyday questions through to tough times. visit now to get the tools you need to make life easier.
samaritans works to make sure there’s always someone there for anyone who needs someone. read more.
ibpf provides a world of hope, resources and support. browse our education articles, educational videos, faces of hope and recovery, and other resources.
a charitable organization dedicated to generating public awareness about the causes of suicide, its prevalence in our society and preventive measures.
12 twelve step recovery programmes in new zealand
we provide public health services to people living in the canterbury, south canterbury and west coast regions, and the chatham islands.
η γραμμή λειτουργεί σε εικοσιτετράωρη βάση, 7 ημέρες την εβδομάδα και δέχεται κλήσεις από κινητό ή σταθερό τηλέφωνο...