egis proposes engineering services in the field of urban development, from buildings to transport infrastructure: hospitals, tertiary buildings, stadiums, museums, stations, airports, tramways, etc. it is an internationally-recognised actor for its experience in major transport and civil engineering projects: high-speed railway lines, motorways, port terminals, civil nuclear
required field
die einkaufs- und informationsplattform für it-fachhandel, it-systemh?user und it-dienstleister.
egis proposes engineering services in the field of urban development, from buildings to transport infrastructure: hospitals, tertiary buildings, stadiums, museums, stations, airports, tramways, etc. it is an internationally-recognised actor for its experience in major transport and civil engineering projects: high-speed railway lines, motorways, port terminals, civil nuclear
the main page of egis' international website
Global Rank:1,084,565
die einkaufs- und informationsplattform für it-fachhandel, it-systemhäuser und it-dienstleister.
益登科技是您值得信賴的合作夥伴, 提供一流服務與最先進的技術,為客戶和原廠創造最大的價值. 從ic設計,平台方案到系統組裝,提供一站式的完整服務.益登科技為專業的ic代理商及經銷商,服務大中華區及東南亞地區之客戶。所代理的產品應用範圍包括可攜式/穿戴式產品、有線/無線通訊/5g產品、ai, 物聯網、汽車、工業控制、電腦、光電以及消費類電子產品,全面涵蓋數位、類比、混合訊號等領域, 代理產品包括 silicon labs,skyworks,stmicroelectronics,cavium,marvell,nvidia,rohm,sandisk,lattice
el minvu une el territorio, las ciudades y los barrios, mejorando la calidad de vida de todas las personas que habitan en chile. el minvu une a la ciudad.