de beers戴比尔斯是一家专注于钻石珠宝经验125年的品牌,“钻石恒久远,一颗永流传”的slogan也被流传至今。戴比尔斯用钻石打造了多款精美绝伦的钻石首饰:钻戒、钻石项链等。
the world's leading diamond company, with unrivalled expertise in the exploration, mining and marketing of rough diamonds driving it forward since 1888.
de beers is known for creating the finest diamond jewellery. discover our iconic engagement and wedding rings, diamond earrings and other luxury jewellery.
de beers is known for creating the finest diamond jewelry. discover our iconic engagement and wedding rings, diamond earrings and other luxury jewelry.
de beers est connu pour créer les meilleurs bijoux en diamants. explorez nos anneaux d'engagement et de mariage exquis, ainsi que d'autres bijoux de luxe.
de beers is known around the world for creating the finest diamond engagement rings, wedding rings and other elegant diamond jewelry you'll treasure.